
David Fellows
Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself.
A: David Fellows, 35 years old. Born and raised in Endicott now living in Endwell. Working as an Engineer at BAE Systems.
Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?
A: I started running in 2012 after a family member had a health scare that made me want to start living a healthier lifestyle, it was a bit of a wake-up call for me.
Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone? Trails or road?
A: I prefer running with a group because when I run alone I tend to take it a little too easy. I like having another person to give me that push.Up until last year I had only ever run on roads but then I did my first trail race and I enjoyed it so much I went out and bought spikes a couple weeks later. Now looking to explore trails some more.
Q: What is your favorite distance or race?
A: Favorite distance is the 5k. My favorite race/event is probably the corporate challenge, such a unique event with the team atmosphere and multiple events.
Q: What's the most rewarding thing about running and how do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
A: Aside from the obvious health benefits, for me it's the camaraderie I've found within the running community. I've made friends through the TCRC and also our work running club at BAE, both in terms of people who I'm out running with multiple times during the week and people I'm going out for drinks with on the weekends. If I'm not feeling motivated, I'll usually reach out to a friend and ask them if they want to run, for me it's always easier to force myself out on the road if I'm running with someone else.
Q: What is your favorite running memory and any goals for the future?
A: It might just be because it's fresh in my mind but running my first sub 20 minute 5k last year. It was a goal I had in my mind for a while and crossing the finish line while seeing a 19 on the clock was an incredible feeling. After suffering some non-running related injuries this winter, I'm currently just trying to get back to where I was in 2018. Working to get my base mileage and speed back up.
Q: Do you have a pre-race ritual?
A: Nothing special, I always eat the same dinner the night before a race. Then that morning I get up and try to get to the race early to go through my warm-up and stretching routine.
Q: What advice do you have for new runners?
A: Find a running buddy or group. Don't be afraid to ask questions to more experienced runners. As someone who started running in his late 20's I was able to learn tons of valuable info from people who had been running throughout high school and college.