Abby Hanselman
Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself.
A: I grew up in Olean, NY, then went to college and worked in Buffalo before moving to Endwell. I’ve been in the Triple Cities for 13 years. I’m currently the mother of 4 children aged 7-14, wife, and group fitness instructor- TRX, group strength training, and indoor cycling.
Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?
A: I started running in my mid 20’s to improve my health and fitness. It was very challenging, but I consistently worked at it for 5 years before running my first 5K. Running continues to be the best way for me to stay fit.
Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone? Trails or road?
A: That’s tough: I enjoy running with people, but I have a hard time finding a training partner I’m comfortable with. Training runs are so individualized, and I’m kind of slow… I sometimes feel like I’m inconveniencing my run partner. But let me tell you, the conversations and story telling along the way cannot be beat. It’s a great bonding experience. I prefer roads for training runs as it’s safer and more convenient. But trail races are so exciting. The terrain is always changing, lots of sharp turns, you have to be engaged the entire time. And the scenery is always breathtaking.
Q: What is your favorite distance or race?
A: Half-marathon. Fun, challenging, but do-able.
Q: What's the most rewarding thing about running and how do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
A: The feeling of accomplishment, especially after doing a difficult training run, or simply running when I really don’t want to. To motivate myself, I think about how crappy I feel when I don’t run.
Q: What is your favorite running memory and any goals for the future?
A: My first half-marathon. It was about 6 months after my son was born, I wanted to get back in shape, and I threw myself into this seemingly impossible goal. I was so scared of the distance, doing it alone, afraid I wouldn’t finish… but I did, and it was so rewarding. I do the same race every year- this year was # 7. I'd like to become stronger, injury-free, more efficient, and more confident.
Q: Who inspires you most?
A: The members of my group fitness classes. If I encourage them to work hard, be strong, push beyond perceived limits, I had better be doing the same.
Q: What advice do you have for new runners?
A: 1. Let go of expectations. It’s not going to look or feel great for a while. Simply do it. 2. Believe in yourself. The negative voice in your head is going to be telling you to stop. Change the dialogue. 3. Celebrate every accomplishment. Running is hard work. Everyone who runs- regardless of how fast or how often- is a champion.