On March 16th, 2021 at 7 pm on Zoom, the TCRC will hold its annual meeting!
All members are invited to attend! There will be an election of 3 full three-year term board seats and 1partial two-year board seat (due to a resignation). We will also elect our 2021-2022 club officers. After the election, the newly elected board will hold the March board meeting.
Anyone interested in running for a board seat or club office is asked to email: Triplecitiesrunnersclub@gmail.com to express interest.
*Expiring board members, Ray Fryc, Kat Hores, and Kevin Pasterchik have expressed in rerunning for seats. All current officers have expressed interest in running for their current positions.
All current 2021 TCRC members are eligible to run for the board and will be voted on by all current members in attendance at the meeting. All current 2021 TCRC members are also eligible to run for an officer position, which will be voted on by the newly elected board.
Zoom Instructions:
1.) Go to the following link: https://binghamton.zoom.us/my/tcrcmeeting
2.) A page will open saying “launching” if you already have the zoom app downloaded you will be given the option to “Open zoom.” If not, you can either click “Download & run zoom” or “Start from your browser”
*Note: Zoom tends to run better if you download the zoom app.
3.) You will then be asked for a password, for this meeting the password will be “TCRC”, you may also be asked to name yourself.
4.) Upon entering the meeting room, you will be asked to connect audio, select “Join with Computer Audio”
5.) At this point, you will be in the meeting with your camera shut off. In the lower left-hand corner of your screen (when moving the mouse), you will see a camera with “start video,” this will turn on your camera. If you need to mute or unmute your audio you will also see a microphone in that corner which allows you to do that.
6.) Zoom Option: If you wish to change how you view all participants in the meeting, in the upper right-hand corner you will see a button that will say “speaker view” or “galley view” click this button will switch between two modes. It will either show the current speaker large and everyone else small or all participants at once. I personally like seeing all participants at once.
Phone instructions (Should not be needed):
1.) If you are having trouble with your computer, you can call into this meeting. First Call 1-929-205-6099
2.) Then when asked for the meeting ID: input 816 301 6514, followed by the #
3.) When asked for a participant ID just press #